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Water Damaged Drywall Repair

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Water is a beneficial component in our daily lives. Actually, we can’t live without it. This is because almost all household activities revolve around using water. However, if enough care is not taken, water could cause damages within the household. Walls are usually very delicate, and any close contact to water may call for repair or even reinstallation.

Water damages on drywalls are a common problem for any homeowner because any slight exposure to water is dangerous. Doing water damaged drywall repair on your own could be overwhelming. The process is usually time-consuming and tedious and requires the services of experienced drywall contractors.

Effects of Water Damages on Drywall

Water damages may be caused by leaking pipes or exposure to moisture, which may cause a health hazard or an undesirable look of the drywall. Here are the reasons you will need to avoid any direct water contact with the drywall.

Mold Growth

Water damaged drywall creates a growing place for molds. It is hard to see mold growth most of the time since it occurs in a hidden area. Drywall forms an excellent breeding area for molds when exposed to water. IT may cause breathing problems when it becomes more rampant or even damages the structure. When mold growth is noticed, the ultimate solution is to remove and replace the drywall with a new one.

Swollen Drywall

Drywall swells when wet, which causes the material to pull away and loosen. The walls remain insecure even when dried, thus altering the original, appealing look of the drywall.

Other additional water damages on drywall could also include; unpleasant odors from the moist areas, the dampness also causes a breeding place for different insects, and damaged insulation.

Repairing Water Damaged Drywall

Suppose your household or workplace suffers from water damages. You need to be more worried about the drywall. Repairs should be done as soon as the damage occurs to avoid any damage over time.

Repairing a water damaged wall requires the services of experienced handymen. DMV Drywall Repair Service is a drywall repair company operating within Woodbridge, VA. Our contractors have the best skills, knowledge, and experience to provide the best services for water damaged drywall repairing and reinstallation.


As the name suggests, drywall should be kept away from any traces of dampness, moisture, or water. Drywall is very fragile and requires great care from water sources.